The Last Breath (2024)

There are classic shark flicks like JAWS and Deep Blue Sea, then there are modern somewhat enjoyable ventures like The Meg, and also disasters like The Meg 2. The Last Breath (2024) falls in between the latter two.

The plot follows 5 young divers who get trapped in a wrecked warship with a shark. 

The concept is unique but you can see that this movie required a much bigger budget. However, I still felt the sense of dread and claustrophobia which encompassed the second and third arcs of the story. The sharks are menacing yet at the same time, due to the lower production costs, not as lifelike as one would expect.

Overall, it’s a good shark movie. I’m surprised at its 4.7/10 rating on IMDb. It deserves a higher score but alas it’s not a must-watch spectacle of shark survival.

The Rating: 6.5/10


Batman: Caped Crusader

I was skeptical about Batman: Caped Crusader being a good show after watching the first 2 episodes, but turns out, it’s one of the pieces of animation released this year.

What I liked was how it doesn’t rely fully on Batman or the Joker to form a fully-fledged 1st season narrative. Instead, it offers us a seemingly unconnected storyline throughout this foremost season.

Amazon Prime has already hit their stride with Invincible, Batman: Caped Crusader is a very different show though. It’s PG-13 but still adult as there are killings unlike that in the classic Batman: The Animated Series.

The voice acting, neo-noir animation style, are all fantastic but the latter takes some getting used to especially if you’re not well-acquainted with Batman: The Animated Series.

The 3rd episode about Catwoman is great but it’s the 4th episode which turns the tide and gives us one of the best DC animated episodes in history. You won’t forget the plot of the 4th episode even if you tried to.

I liked how vast the rogues gallery was with a new villain introduced in almost every episode. The show also shows us Batman’s psychological vulnerability which was also showcased in Batman: The Animated Series.

Overall, Batman: Caped Crusader is an awesome entry in DC’s already well-established animated universe. It is a spiritual successor to Batman: The Animated Series, and although it doesn’t give us a huge jump in quality (like X-Men 97 did compared to X-Men: The Animated Series) it’s still entertaining in its own right.

The Rating: 8 out of 10.

P.S. I found the 4th episode and the last 2 episodes to be stand-outs especially compared to the first 2 episodes which didn’t resonate with me. 

In the Fire (2023) Review

In the Fire (Poster)

Amber Heard stars in this new thriller called In the Fire (2023) from Saban Films. Now when I saw the opening credit of Saban Films I was afraid as they are known for bad low-budget films like Agent Game and The Old Way. But finally they have released something decent.
In the Fire has commentary on science vs. spirituality which I thought should've been expanded upon in the narrative. The movie is also plain boring at times. It also has the semblance of a western but maybe because the director made a western in 2021. The cinematography is beautiful and the acting by the entire cast is good but not great.
Overall, In the Fire is an unoriginal thriller which barely makes a name for itself in the overcrowded genre. It's just average and I have seen much superior films with a similar premise.
The Rating: 5 out of 10.

''Marriage is based on mutual misunderstanding.'' - Oscar Wilde.

My Husband Is A Murderer (Cover)


Snow Falls, America 

Saba and her new friend jumped onto the ski lift and it was lifted up to the sky. A cold breeze blew across their faces. Their hair was saved from being messed up by the woolen hats they were wearing. Mariam adjusted her ski equipment.

''The weather's quite cold out here.'' Saba said.

''Why do you think they call it Snow Falls?'' Mariam asked dryly.

They both laughed at that statement.

  Saba held the cold metal bar in front of them tightly. She looked down below. The ground was so far away now. She stopped staring down and saw the empty chair lift ahead of them.

''Feeling cold?'' Mariam asked.

''Yeah, I'm more used to hot  places.'' Saba replied crossing her arms in front of her.

''Don't worry. I'm sure Ahsan will keep you warm at night.'' Mariam said.

''He keeps me too warm. You haven't slept with him during summer in Lahore.'' Saba explained. ''He becomes my personal heater.''

''Same here.''

  Saba raised a suspicious eyebrow at her.

''I mean when I'm with Saimul.'' Mariam said and they started laughing again.

Saba sighed, ''I know that most of your family members think that I married him because of the money. But I really do love him.''

''We're from a rich political family. It's natural for family members to think that.''

  Saba shifted her gaze to the faraway large mountains. They looked like monstrous beasts made of snow. The sight a chill down her spine.

''But I know the truth.'' Mariam said. ''You love him and he loves you.''

''I know.'' Saba said sadly.

''We used to chat about you all the time on MSN.''


''Yeah. It was so much fun. He solemnly calms online nowadays.'' Mariam said pinching her gently on the shoulder. ''I wonder why.''

  A swift gust of wind startled Saba's ears. And she was even more shocked when she saw her friend's wound. Mariam shrieked in agony.  An arrow had been shot at her. It had sliced into her shoulder. She held her bloody shoulder in pain. The coldness of the air adding to her pain.

''Are you alright?'' Saba asked with concern.

''Who shot me?'' Mariam asked angrily.

  Saba looked down in the direction where the arrow had possibly come. There were trees covering most the area. She couldn't make out anything in the woods. It was dark there. She saw Mariam suddenly start falling out cold. Her eyes were closing.

  ''Mariam!'' Saba slapped her softly on the cheek. ''Get up. Somebody help us!''



Saba clapped both hands over her mouth. Letting the warmth spread over her lips. Mariam was being loaded onto a stretcher by the hospital workers. Suddenly, a hand caught hold of Saba's shoulder. She jumped then turned around quickly to see her husband. She hugged him tightly.

  ''Ahsan, you startled me.'' Saba told him.

  ''What happened?'' He asked her.

Ahsan saw Mariam being escorted to the ambulance. He left Saba's side and ran to her. Saba watched her husband stop the workers from getting her into the ambulance. She saw him hold her hands. Telling her words of consolation. She watched with great concentration. And great jealousy.

  He waved a hand goodbye at her then ran back to his wife.

''Ahsan, will she be alright?'' Saba asked.

''Yes. It just pierced her shoulder.'' Ahsan said with a frown. ''Did you see the person who shot her?''

''No, the trees blocked my view.''

''You're so careless Saba.''

''Excuse me?''

''I mean you're not even going for skiing. And you encourage Mariam to take you on a tour of the slopes.''

''Oh, I'm sorry I can't afford to go on a ski lift each weekend. Like your royal highness.''

''Guys relax.'' Saimul said.

  He was Mariam's husband. He had just arrived from Snow Falls Coffee Shop in his light blue Mercedes-Benz.

''I came as soon as Saba called. Where is she?'' Saimul asked the couple

''The ambulance took her just now.'' Ahsan said still staring angrily at his wife.

''And you can ask Ahsan what she said before she left.'' Saba said and left their side.

  Saimul stared suspiciously at Ahsan. Who kept his gaze at the snowy ground.



Saba sat across from Ahsan on the table. They were at a bar. It was midnight in Snow Falls. The bar was well heated by the flames burning from the fireplace.

  ''So you and Mariam used to chat together on MSN?'' Saba asked.

  ''Rarely.'' Ahsan replied without even looking at her.

He should get a Nobel Prize in Lying, Saba though.

  She stared at the flickering flames emitting from the fireplace. Their table was nearest to it. She was letting her bitterness be devoured by the fire. It seemed to calm her down and keep the atmosphere warm at such a heated moment.

  She saw her husband get up. He raised his hand at someone.

''You guys made it! What a surprise.'' He announced.

  Saba turned around in her seat. She saw Mariam and Saimul enter the bar. Mariam was wearing a brown-colored full-sleeved sweater so Saba couldn't see how her shoulder had been treated. Ahsan brought two other seats to the table for them. The couple took seats on the table.

  ''Hey.'' Saimul greeted Saba.

  ''Hey.'' Saba greeted back shyly. She thought Saimul was kind of cute.

  ''So how are you feeling?'' Ahsan asked his sexy cousin. He put his palm over her hand.

That sight raised Saba's suspicions even higher.

''I'm fine. The bandage over my shoulder looks more horrific than the wound itself.'' Mariam joked.

  A smile spread over Ahsan's handsome clean-shaven face. He removed his hand from Mariam's and ran it through his wavy black hair. Mariam flashed Saba a tired grin. She responded with both her eyebrows raised in anger.

  ''Ahsan wanna shoot some pool?'' Saimul asked him.

He nodded his head, ''sure mate.''

  Both men left the table. Leaving their wives alone.

''They're best friends for life.'' Mariam stated.

  Saba calmed down and managed to flash a smile. ''Yeah. By the way, how did a poet like Saimul end up with a software engineer like you?''

''Easy question. I went to one of his book signings. He said it was love at first sight just as I came to him with my copy.'' Mariam replied.

''How romantic...'' Saba murmured.

'''Why were you looking at me like that?''

  Saba diverted her gaze to the table.

''Sorry, I think I drank too much.'' She replied.

A waiter carrying a tray filled with drinks appeared by their side. He placed one near Saba.

  '''No, thanks.'' Saba told him. ''By the way who ordered these?''

The waiter pointed to the middle-aged bartender at the end of the bar. He waved a hand at the two ladies.

''Tell him we're had enough for one night.'' Saba said.

''But he says you haven't drunk anything since you both came Ma'am.'' The waiter explained.

  Mariam raised an eyebrow at her cousin's wife. ''You had drunk too much, huh?''

Saba ignored her. She told the waiter one last time that she didn't want a drink. Mariam did the same. And he left their side. Saba noticed the bartender coming over to them. She searched for their husbands near the pool tables.

''Hey ladies.'' The bartender greeted them.

  He looked like a typical motor-biker. His black hair was greased back. Snake tattoos on both of his muscular arms.

''Look we don't want any trouble.'' Saba told him strictly.

  He ignored her and turned to Mariam. He bent down getting his face closer to hers.

''How 'bout I take you for a ride.'' He muttered.

''What's going on here?'' Saimul suddenly appeared beside the bartender.

''Oh, she's been taken.'' The bartender said in surprise. ''Sorry to disturb you mister.''

  ''Is everything alright?'' Ahsan asked. He had a cue in his grasp.

  ''Yeah. Everything's fine.'' Saimul replied.

All of a sudden, Mariam started crying.

''Why the hell is she crying Saimul?'' Ahsan asked.

Saimul didn't reply. Ahsan noticed the nasty grin on the bartender's face.

''You hurt her!'' Ahsan exclaimed angrily and hit the bartender's hand with the cue.

  Saba clapped her hands over her mouth as Ahsan pummeled him on head with the stick. She got up and tried to pull Ahsan away from him.

''Stop it Ahsan!'' She exclaimed. ''You'll kill him.''

''That's what I'm gonna do.'' Ahsan warned.

  Everyone inside the bar were watching the scene. Saba finally managed to pull him away. He turned around, threw the cue on the floor and marched off. The bartender lay on the floor with a few bruises on his head. He wasn't seriously hurt.

  Saba glanced at Saimul, ''you could have done something!'' She screamed at him then followed her husband out of the bar.



Saba sat silently on the ski lift. She decided to take one last ride before going back to her husband's mansion. The night was freezing. The loneliness that surrounded her made it even look more horrific. Suddenly, the ski lift stopped moving. She felt her heart almost stop as well. She heard something land.

  She looked at the forest to her side. Snow fell loudly from the leaves of the huge trees in the forest. Saba took out a sigh of relief. Another noise startled her. The chair lift suddenly shook. She looked over her shoulder. Ahsan was coming towards her. He hung on to the razor-sharp rope that connected the chair life. He held an arrow between his teeth.

  He was coming closer.



  And closer.

Until he jumped on to her chair lift.

"Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.'' - Oscar Wilde.



Saba sat up on her bed just as she woke up. She saw that Ahsan wasn't by her side. Dim sunlight showered over her face from the window. She had been dreaming.

  She lay down again. And started cuddling under the warm quilt. She called Ahsan to check it he was in the bathroom. There was no reply. She got up and opened the bedroom's door. Saimul and Mariam's bedroom was across from theirs. She saw him sitting on his bed. He was unpacking a medium-sized cardboard box on the floor.

''Hey.'' He greeted her just as she entered the room.

''Hey. What's up?'' She asked.

''Nothing much. Just unpacking some staff.''

  Saba sat down beside him. She checked him out.

He looks dashing in his black pajamas, Saba thought.

''I'm sorry about last night.'' Saba apologized.

''No, you were right. I should have down something.'' Saimul said.

Saba noticed the magazine in his hands. ''What's that?''

''My high school yearbook.'' Saimul explained.

  Saba took it from him. She turned some pages then halted at one.

''Is that you?'' She asked him pointing to a player in the high school cricket team photograph.

''Yeah. You can say I had a fondness for strange hairstyles.'' Saimul joked.

  Saba glanced at all the other players. And noticed someone familiar. ''That guy looks like Ahsan.''

''That's because he is Ahsan.''

''What?'' She studied the picture more closely.

''Didn't he tell you. We were high school mates.''

''As a matter of fact he didn't.'' Saba said suspiciously handing him the book back. ''Where is Ahsan by the way?''

''He left to get some pizza.''

''And Mariam?''

''Oh, she went with him. She said she wanted to relive some old memories.''

''Why am I not surprised?'' She said dryly.

She picked up the remote at her side and turned on the TV.

  ''We are here at Snow Falls Premium Bar where a bartender was brutally murdered last night.'' The female reported announced on the news channel.

  She was standing outside the same bar the four had been in last night. The channel showed a photograph of the victim. He was the same bartender Ahsan had assaulted last night.

''Oh my God.'' Saimul said in surprise.

''The victim's name is John Charles. He was killed by an arrow that was found plunged into his throat. Forensics are working on fingerprints and other details for the time being...''

''I can't believe-'' Saba stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the picture in Saimul's high school yearbook.

  She grabbed it from him and analyzed the picture. ''Why is Ahsan holding a gold medal in his hand?''

''He won the archery championship. Let's just say he was good with hitting targets.'' Saimul joked.

  But Saba wasn't in the mood for jokes.



Saba and Saimul sat on separate sofas waiting for their spouses. She had a sweater on although the fireplace was keeping the main lounge quite warm. The mansion belonged to Ahsan's father. He and his friends usually used it as a hangout during their winter holidays. Now it had been changed into a honeymoon resort. 

  The front door opened followed by the sound of heavy snow falling outside. Ahsan entered the mansion carrying a box of pizza. He was followed by his cousin Mariam.

''Damn it. The weather is way below zero.'' Mariam explained struggling to close the door behind her because of the heavy snowfall outside.

  She finally managed to and rubbed her woolen-gloved hands together. Her nose was red with frost. Ahsan set the pizza on the small table in between the three sofas.

''Did you guys hear the news about the bartender?'' Mariam asked the two people sitting on the sofas.

''Someone must have really had a grudge with that guy.'' Saimul said.

''Where did you hear the news?'' Saba asked Mariam.

''On the radio.'' She replied.

''Oh, I thought someone must have told you it.'' She said staring suspiciously at her husband

''What is that supposed to mean?'' Mariam asked with her hands on her waist.

''Don't listen to her Mariam.'' Ahsan said. ''She thinks I killed that bartender.

  Saba suddenly stood up. And walked over to him. She had an angry look on her face. The rage in her eyes could melt away all the snow in Snow Falls.

  ''Well, did you?'' She asked frankly.

  ''Are you out of your mind?'' Ahsan asked even more frankly.

Saimul stood up. He was hoping that no fight would occur between them.

  ''You said you would kill him. I heard you say it Ahsan. You were so angry last night.''

  ''Saba, you know me.'' Ahsan said putting his hands on her shoulders. ''I never picked a fight at college. I would never kill anyone.''

  ''I agree.'' Saimul added.

Mariam came over to Ahsan and put a hand on his chest. ''It's alright Ahsan. Disagreements are usual in marriage.''

  Saba felt her temperature rise with anger. She shoved his hands away and marched up the stairs.



A beautiful blond was showering in the green-marbled bathroom. She stood up in the tub and ran her fingers through her hair. Letting the water get to her scalp. Unknown to her, a middle-aged man wearing a black ski mask was approaching the bathroom.

  The door was ajar. The noise of the shower echoed throughout the empty hallway. The man took quiet footsteps. He slowly pushed open the door. His mud-covered shoes made a mess all over the bathroom floor. He set aside the curtain and thrust the blade inside the woman's naked stomach without hesitation.


  Saba closed the book and put it on the small table in front of her. She was reading an old horror novel. She sat alone in the main lounge. Her back felt comfortable against the brown-leather sofa. The story seemed to match hers. A psycho husband trying to kill everyone who came close to his ex-girlfriend including his wife.

  She felt that Ahsan and Mariam were acting too selfishly. While Saimul only seemed to act normal. There was a certain charm about him. She was starting to really like him.

''Saba!?'' She heard Ahsan call.

  Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. She looked over her shoulder to see her husband climbing down the stairs with a kitchen knife in his hand!

  Saba felt a wave of fear sweep over her. A chill ran down her back. She stood up and quickly tiptoed up the flight of stairs that were opposite to the ones her husband were on. She ran down the hall and into the kitchen. Ahsan noticed that the lounge was completely empty. He saw something familiar on the small table in the middle of the room. He picked it up. It was his wife's horror novel

  He replaced the book on the table. And ascended the stairs. Saba heard his footsteps. She hid underneath the kitchen table. She saw his light blue sneakers approaching the table. And then the sound of a blade piercing something.

  He left the kitchen. Saba crawled out when she was sure he was far away. She stood up and saw an interesting item on top of the table. A large strawberry cake. Her smile faded when she saw what was pasted on the cake. There was her husband's name on the top left side of the cake. And her name on the opposite side. But there was one difference between the layout of their names. There was a knife plunged into her name. The knife that Ahsan was carrying.


''How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive.'' - Oscar Wilde.



''I'll be right back.'' Ahsan said closing the bathroom door behind him.

  Saba wished that he would stay there. She was sitting on the edge of the bed. She felt afraid. Afraid of her own husband. She decided to have a warm cup of milk and stood up. She opened the door and closed it behind her. Yellow light from the chandeliers on the ceiling spread over the hallway. Saba noticed that the door of the room in front of her was fully open.

  Candles lighted the room. Saba smiled at the romantic scene. A strange thought occurred to her:

Why was the door open?

  She took a step forward. She wasn't wearing slippers and the floor felt icy cold beneath her feet. She shifted her gaze from the open door and walked down the hallway. She flipped the light switch just as she entered the kitchen. A medium-sized bottle of fresh milk awaited her in the fridge.

  After drinking it full she left the kitchen. And walked back to her room. She grabbed the doorknob.

''Keep away from my wife!'' Ahsan exclaimed from behind.

  She turned around in shock. And saw her husband's silhouette reflected on the wall of Saimul's and Mariam's bedroom. She could see the shadow of the person he was shouting at as well.

''Tell her to keep away from me.'' Saimul protested. She's a whore, not a wife!''

Saba saw Ahsan's shadowy hands clutch Saimul by the collar.

''Say hello to my little bitch.'' Ahsan said raising a pistol to the side of his head.

  Saba clapped a hand over her mouth just as she heard the loud gunshot. Then the sound and shadowy image of Saimul falling down on the floor. Dead.

''Saba let's get out of her.'' Mariam whispered to her.

  She was caught up in fear that she didn't hear Mariam's footsteps coming up the stairs. Mariam grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

''Saba it's not safe here.'' Mariam said. ''I have a pair of sweaters in our car. Come on!''

  She grabbed the frightened woman's hand and they ran down the stairs.

''The one charm about marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.'' - Oscar Wilde.



''The police station's not that far.'' Mariam told the frightened woman sitting in the opposite seat. ''We'll be there in no time.''

  Saba leaned back nervously in her seat. She remembered the scene that happened some hours ago. She had dropped her cellphone on her bedroom floor. And while reaching down she saw something peculiar underneath the bed. It was a set of arrows and a bow.

  The noise of snow falling on the windscreen alerted her senses.

''Did you call the police?'' She asked Mariam.

Mariam shook her head, ''no reception. The weather's damned.''

  Mariam was right about that. They were driving through a snow storm. The road was barely visible behind the white frost.

''Oh, no.'' Mariam muttered with fear.

  Saba also noticed the yellow headlights showering over them from behind. She looked over her shoulder. Ahsan's black Range Rover was right on their tail. She couldn't make out the face because of the snow storm.

She leaned closer to Ahsan's cousin. ''Mariam, I'm scared.''

Mariam glanced at her, ''everything's going to be alright.'' She said and then turned her eyes to the road.

  The sound of glass shattering burned Saba's ears. An arrow had been shot into the windscreen. Just inches away from Mariam's head.

''There must be someone else with him!" Saba exclaimed. ''He can't aim and drive the car at the same time.''

  Suddenly, the Mercedes was pushed into a tree.



Saba slowly opened her eyes. She saw the broken windscreen and the bark of the tree in front of it. She felt a sharp pain in her forehead. There was glass cut on the side of it. She glanced at Mariam who was out cold and had lots of cuts on her face. The plastic bags attached to the steering wheel had saved Mariam from having serious injuries. Saba moved her arm trying to wake her up.

  All of a sudden, the door next to Saba was swung open. And Ahsan's frowning face appeared inside.

''You're coming with me.'' He told her. He had a bow and a bag hung across his shoulder.

''Never!'' Saba shouted.

  But Ahsan ignored her and tried to grab her arm.

''No, you don't.'' Mariam said kicking Ahsan on the face.

He went a little backwards.

  She grabbed Saba 's hand and they managed to get out through the other busted door. Cold wind burned their cheeks as they made their way down the forest. Withered leaves crunched beneath their sneakers. Both of them ran deeper into the dark and snowy woods.

  A small cabin was situated in the middle of the forest. A piercing sound made Saba jump. She lost grip of her friend's hand. Mariam knelt down. Blood choked out of her mouth and on to the snow. An arrow had just pierced her unharmed shoulder. Saba tried to help her but she refused.

''G-go hide.'' Mariam muttered. ''I'll be right behind y-you.''


''Just go.'' Mariam said interrupting her.

  Saba nodded reluctantly her head then marched off to the cabin. Her naked feet felt the cold frost underneath. The snow near the cabin so it took her longer to reach there. She entered through the open door. And closed the large door behind her. She was in pitch darkness now. Dead silence surrounded her.

  As she reached for the light switch her hand touched something cold and soft. It was somebody's hand!

She pulled her hand away from the wooden wall. The light came on with a blinding flash. Saimul stood in front of her. A light switch was on the wall next to where he was standing.

  ''No, this is impossible.'' Saba said backing away from him. ''You're dead! I saw you get killed!''

Saimul had a wide grin on his face. ''What's wrong with you Saba? You've been seeing things.'' He said stepping closer to her.

''Get away from me!'' Saba shouted at him half-scared and half-angry.

He stopped dead in his tracks. ''You even touched my hand. Shouldn't I be a ghost?''

  The front door swung open . A silenced pistol was raised at Saimul's forehead.

''Honey, what do you think you're doing?'' Saimul asked backing away from her.

''Not letting you kill my cousin's wife.'' Mariam told him tightening her finger on the trigger. The arrow was still pierced in her other shoulder.

  Ahsan appeared from the side entrance of the cabin with his bow and arrow raised at her.

''Don't try anything stupid Mariam.'' Ahsan warned her.

''What the fuck is going on here!?'' Saba finally asked. ''Ahsan drop the fucking bow and arrow.''

''Honey, we can argue later.'' Ahsan said with his eyes fixed on his cousin in rage.

  Mariam's eyes were still on her own husband. ''Ahsan jaani, I know you would never hurt me. Especially when another life is at stake.''

  Saba tugged furiously at her own hair. ''Ahsan why are you trying to kill us?''

''Huh?'' Saimul gasped.

''Trying to kill you? I'm trying to save you sweetheart.'' Ahsan explained.

''Save me from whom?''

''My evil cousin.''

  Saba glanced surprisingly at Mariam. ''What?''

''She's been playing you all this time.'' Ahsan said.

''Don't listen to this psycho Saba.'' Mariam told her.

''You're the only one who's psycho here.'' Saimul said.

  Mariam pushed the silencer into his forehead. He raised his hands in surprise.

''It was you who tried to kill Mariam at the ski resort.'' Saba told Ahsan.

''No, it was Mariam.'' Ahsan said.

''She was sitting right next to me, you idiot.''

''Oh, yes she was. But she did it indirectly.'' Ahsan explained with a smile. ''When I was in their bathroom this morning I saw a half-torn receipt in the dustbin.''

''What were you doing in our bathroom?'' Saimul asked.

''That's not the pint. Wonder what the receipt was of? It was of a mechanical arrow shooter from Flash Limited. Which Mariam had purchased some days ago in Snow Falls.''

''He's lying.'' Mariam said. ''Both of them are trying to kill us Saba. The frost has got to their heads.''

''Remember when you said that you didn't see anyone in the forest. That's because there wasn't anyone there. Just a medium-sized arrow shooter that Mariam had timed and aimed.''

''Shut up!'' Mariam shouted.

''And I had found proof of it this evening. There were dragging marks in that forest. That could've only been made from a heavy object. Also, the arrow that shot Mariam was of Flash Limited. They only make arrows that can be used by their machines.''

''Then how do you explain the shooting inside Mariam's room? When I heard you shoot Saimul.'' Saba said. ''I saw both of you.''

''You only heard us and saw our shadows. That's because Mariam wanted you to.'' Ahsan explained. ''She had arranged everything inside the room. The candles. The projector that made our silhouettes. And the fake voice recordings playing from her mobile phone. She's a software engineer after all.''

''She shot me in the bathroom like an hour ago but my cellphone protected my chest.'' Saimul explained.

Saba felt the tears rolling down her frozen cheeks. ''Mariam why did you do all of this?''

''Because she loved me.'' Ahsan murmured.

''I still do. I love you dearly Ahsan.'' Mariam said in a sad voice.

''Is this your idea of love? Maybe I chatted with you romantically on MSN but it was just a crush. You were so far away from me. And long-distance relationships don't last long!''

  Saba started crying. Mariam was till holding the pistol firmly in her hand. Ahsan lowered the bow in his grasp.

''We can settle this peacefully Mariam.'' Ahsan told her calmly. ''The way were did it before.''

She suddenly shifted her aim at him. ''This is my idea of settling the score peacefully.''

  ''No!'' Saba leaped at her.

Mariam's finger pressed the trigger just as she fell on to the floor. Ahsan ran to them.

  ''I'll hold her off, you check on Saimul.'' He said.

Saba nodded then walked over to the fallen poet. Mariam tried reaching for her fallen gun but Ahsan kicked it away. He knelt down beside her and pinned her wrists to the floor.

  ''How 'bout one last kiss darling?'' Mariam asked licking her lips seductively.

  ''Shut up!'' He exclaimed at her then turned to his wife. ''Is he alright?''



The next day...

  Saba finished packing her things. She left the bedroom and entered the one across from it. Ahsan had tidied it all up. She felt pleased he did that by himself. He usually called in a maid for cleaning up the house. Saba knelt down and searched for something underneath the bed. She took out a magazine and stood up. It was Saimul's high school yearbook. He had been shot in the chest but a police car had seen their vehicles parked near the forest and one them busted. So Saimul was taken to the hospital and Mariam was arrested.

  Saimul had told Saba last night to look inside his high school yearbook. He had said there was a poem he had written for his wife during the honeymoon. Saba saw a small piece of paper placed in the middle of the yearbook. She started reading the words:

Saba I always knew Mariam loved Ahsan. But it took me a while to understand my feelings for you. If I die tonight it will be in your love. And if I don't, I will come after you. Mariam is not the only hopeless romantic in this world.

  There was his signature on the bottom left of the page. Saba stared at the curtain in front of her. She felt confused and totally blank.

''Jaani, I've baked a cake for us!'' Ahsan called from the kitchen